Sustainable Fashion is possible at Glamourental.

Sustainable Fashion is possible at Glamourental.

Fast fashion is growing in popularity every day, which enables textile producers to produce more clothes while also increasing trash. The production of clothing is now causing the environment more and more concern. The fashion sector, according to UNEP, is responsible for 20% of global wastewater, 10% of carbon emissions, and enormous volumes of garbage. One garbage truck load of clothes is landfilled or burned every second. As if that weren't bad enough, our clothing releases plastic into the seas. 

To encourage customers to buy them, producers have been motivated to make more clothes at competitive prices as a result of fast fashion. One piece of clothing is worn two to three times before it needs to be thrown away, adding to the amount of garbage that is not recyclable. 

Every now and again, a fashion trend that was popular a few days ago becomes out of date. This promotes impulse buying while simultaneously increasing waste because good quality items are discarded simply because they are no longer in style!

Influencers will not be caught repeating an outfit on social media in this day and age. This encourages the audience to follow the same path. This approach is harmful to our environment and begs the question, "Do we have no duty to our planet?"

 From cultivation to production the fashion industry is polluting and wasting the resources that are so important for living beings to survive. According to the European Commission, cotton has a higher environmental effect per kilogram of fibre than other materials, principally due to the vast amounts of hazardous pesticides and fertilisers needed to grow cotton, which also needs a lot of water. This involves the usage of numerous chemicals that might be emitted from the factories, contributing to air pollution. Water pollution results from the discharge of water waste from these factories into water sources like rivers and streams. Production is growing daily, which contributes to climate change and the depletion of natural resources.


The third process is the disposal, even though cotton can be disposed of, but it takes a long process to dispose of it perfectly. All the waste gets accumulated in the landfills which causes the cotton to take way longer then expected to be disposed of. And now-a-days clothes are usually a mixture of cotton and other synthetic material like polyester which is non-biodegradable.

In order to make fashion more affordable and simpler to produce, fabrics other than cotton, such as polyester, which is made of microplastic components produced from crude oil, are used in almost all clothing. The polyester blend that makes up the clothing is difficult to discard because it is plastic, which generates a ton of garbage.  Not only on the landfills but also in the water.  Every time a polyester-blend garment is washed, a few tiny macromolecules of plastic are released into the water, which is then poured into the sea, endangering marine life.

With so many hazardous environmental effects, one should take into consideration how many clothes are bought and do one really need them? More than half of the clothes which are bought stay in the closet for years and only wore once are thrown away without considering how much non-degradable waste is being created. 

The moment has come to take greater responsibility for the decisions you make as a buyer and seller to preserve the environment. We are aware that one piece of clothing cannot be used on different occasions and that you must dress appropriately for the occasion. Therefore, one may decide to rent the clothing rather than purchase it as it will only be used once at the event.

Additionally, if you frequently attend gatherings for work or business, you may attempt to avoid wearing the same outfit again and purchase as many outfits as you can. Likewise, if you are attending an Indian wedding ceremony for the first time, it will be a whole new culture for you, and the Indian attire you purchased may never be used by you again. You could therefore decide to rent it rather than buy it and wear it only once. This way you have helped the environment by reducing the non-disposable waste.

People who understand the damage that rapid fashion is doing to the environment are gravitating toward minimalism and rental clothes. By decreasing waste and the creation of too many unnecessary garments, such prudent decisions would undoubtedly benefit the environment.

 The rental fashion industry is booming right now. Many garment businesses are solely rental-based, and they are thriving as well. Glamourental is one of the leading Indian rental clothes companies that aims to decrease garment waste and provide individuals with the opportunity to purchase responsibly while also contributing to a cleaner and greener environment.

 When you wear rental clothing to every occasion you attend, even weddings, you not only cut down on textile waste but also on the amount of fabric that is produced in large quantities. While renting clothes you stay in trend.

At Glamourental, we have all the trendy Indian clothes on rent for you. You can rent conveniently while taking steps towards environmental sustainability. You can rent everything from elegant wedding lehengas to casual Indian kurtis. To get the extensive selection of various Indian clothing, visit our website .

Author – Tejal Patil